Alternate Location Display
50 Wolf Road
Albany, NY 12232
United States
50 Wolf Road
Albany, NY 12232
United States
All visitors arriving at 50 Wolf Road must check-in at the Security Desk located at the first floor lobby entrance. If a visitor has an appointment with an individual or group, it will be that individual's or group's responsibility to notify Security in advance of the meeting and to provide an escort for the visitor from the lobby to the meeting area.
When visitors arrive, Security will call the individual or group to notify them of the visitor's arrival if an escort is not already present in the lobby. For visitors arriving without a scheduled appointment, Security will ascertain the nature of the visit and contact the appropriate program area. It is suggested that visitors allow extra time for screening and signing in for any meetings at the Main Office .
All parking spaces in the front of or along side of the building located at 50 Wolf Road are designated as either Visitor or Reserved parking. Visitor parking is for individuals who are not employees, consultants, or vendors. Visitor parking is designated as two-hourparking only. If your business will last longer than two hours, please inform Security that you expect to be parked in a visitor's space for more than two hours. Providing this information will prevent vehicles from being ticketed unnecessarily.
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Please Note: We do not have a numbered street address for mailing purposes.
224-260 S. Pearl Street
Albany, NY 12202