March 15, 2016
Albany, NY

Governor Cuomo Announces More Than $101 Million in Funding to Strengthen and Improve Health Care in Central New York

Governor Cuomo Announces More Than $101 Million in Funding to Strengthen and Improve Health Care in Central New York

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced $101.4 million in grant awards for six projects that will dramatically transform and improve the delivery of health care in Central New York. This funding is a portion of a $1.5 billion commitment made by New York State to help health care providers statewide fund critical capital and infrastructure improvements, as well as integrate and further develop health systems. "We have a responsibility to continue to make critical capital and infrastructure improvements that transform our health care system into one of sustainability with a deep focus on improving patient care and delivery of vital services." Governor Cuomo said."This funding allows them to do just that and is yet another example of how New York is leading the nation in adapting to meet 21stcentury health care needs." The awards are being made through the Capital Restructuring Financing Program and Essential Health Care Provider Support Program. Both were created by Governor Cuomo to support the goals of the Delivery System Reform Incentive Program (DSRIP), the main mechanism for investing the $7.3 billion in Medicaid savings that resulted from the groundbreaking waiver between New York and the federal government in 2014. The goals of DSRIP include reducing health care costs, improving the health of New Yorkers, reducing avoidable hospital admissions and emergency room visits by 25 percent by 2020, and ensuring the financial sustainability of safety net health care providers.  Senate Majority Leader John J. Flanagan said, "The significant investments announced today are an important step in helping many facilities start their transformation to an even better model of health care that will benefit all New Yorkers. With the ongoing support of Senate Health Committee Chairman Kemp Hannon, our Senate colleagues, and other partners in government, we will continue working with health care providers to help improve the quality of care in all communities as part of this system-wide transition." Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie said, "Access to quality health care has always been a top priority for the Assembly Majority, and first rate hospitals and health care facilities are fundamentally important to communities everywhere. As the number of insured New Yorkers has gone up, the demand for quality health care has as well. This funding is critically important as it represents an opportunity for health care facilities to better meet the state’s needs and offer New Yorkers the best care possible."

Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said, "These significant investments in our healthcare systems will help improve access for all New Yorkers. I commend the governor and the New York State Department of health for providing this crucial funding . Together we must  ensure that all New Yorkers receive the best medical care possible.‎" New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker said, "Restructuring New York's vast health care system will require extensive structural changes to our facilities as well as new approaches to the delivery of health care. These funds will help us balance system wide reforms with the preservation of essential health care services during this time of change."  Dormitory Authority of the State of New York President and CEO Gerrard P. Bushell said,“DASNY is proud to partner with the New York State Department of Health in administering these grants that support the transformation of health care across New York. A strong health care system underpins the economy of our great state by keeping New York competitive and healthy.”

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